Christine Jadot

Over 35 years Christine has built solid experience across a variety of Human Resources applications.

Christine Jadot

Over 35 years Christine has built solid experience across a variety of Human Resources applications.

Graduations & Skills

Christine holds a MSc in Psychology from Louvain-la-Neuve University and throughout her career, has created opportunities to obtain different accreditations such as: MBTI.

Christine is an expert in Talent Management, and also serves as a cultural transition coach. Her focus in on finding the balance between the individual’s capacities and the organizational challenges.

She became a BIOSS/EDAC associate in 2001 (Brunel Institute of Organizational & Social Studies).


Over 35 years Christine has built a solid experience across  a variety of Human Resources applications. Her interests lie in what could be defined as ‘Soft HR’. She has gained experience internally from the senior manager roles she has held, as well as externally as a senior consultant.

We explicitly appreciate her broad experience in personal coaching and team coaching, high level assessment, development of Leadership, New ways of Working, strategic HR development, etc.

She is best known for her broad experience in personal coaching and team coaching, senior level assessment, leadership development, New ways of Working, strategic HR development.