Career Path Appreciation (CPA)

For Recruitment & Selection and Talent Development, we offer a Career Path Appreciation Process which is designed to assess whether there is a match or mismatch between a person’s current capability and the requirements of their current and future role.

People make decisions to do their work, and capability is the person’s ability to handle complexity in decision making. Handling complexity can be described as the attempt to find patterns in order to make complexity easier to handle.

“CAPABILITY” refers to the capacity to achieve the goals that we choose, by successfully overcoming obstacles along our pathway to realise our goals. (E. Jaques)

It indicates the prediction of the rate at which the individual´s capability is likely to grow over the career span.

All of the tools we use are based on the same theoretical model and are related to each other. The results provide valid and sustainable diagnostic predictive value about the best personal, organisational and cultural fit across the whole career span on individual, at all work level complexities and roles in question.

The process consists of a one-to-one and face-to-face interview (in person or remotely), where an individual’s career history and preferred approach to work is explored, as well as the type of work complexity which they feel comfortable with now and in the future.

Initial Recruitment Interview Schedule (IRIS)

IRIS© is a structured conversation that is conducted as a one-to-one evaluation interview. It is designed to assess whether there is a match or mismatch between a person’s current capability and the requirements of their current or future role. The result provides a prediction of the rate at which their capability is likely to grow over the career span.  It can be conducted either face-to-face or remotely on screen.

Linked Personality Appreciation (LPA)

LPA is a comprehensive online personality ‘expert system’ assessment. It comprises of 6 questionnaires, and measures 29 sub-dimensions. The results can be compared with larger populations.

It takes approximately 1 hour to complete the questionnaires.

The benefits of the LPA include:

  • Getting a better understanding of your management culture
  • Improving management and executive selection
  • Identifying the reasons why management teams may be  succeeding or failing
  • Identifying talent for promotion and succession purposes
  • Promoting effective career development
  • Performing talent analytics on teams, departments or the organisation as a whole

Our General Process

At which level of complexity are you able to make decisions?

What is the essence of work?

Which decisions comply with the challenges you are faced with at work?


Project Meeting & Set Up

We recommend starting off the process with an in-depth work session with the consultants and project team



Each participant will complete a comprehensive on-line personality assessment tool, which assesses 6 core personality areas, and 29 sub-dimensions.



The twofold approach of matching the profiles of CPA©/ MCPA©/ IRIS© results with the LPA© provides a validated statement of the individual’s current level of capability and a prediction on their future progress and development within a professional career.


Potential Statement & Integrated Feedback

All participants receive feedback at the end of the Career Path Appreciation process. It will be discussed and agreed upfront with the HR executive who will be responsible for delivering the feedback – the HR executive or the practitioner. It will also be agreed what type of report will be prepared, and who will receive the report at what point in time.


Individual Assessment Reporting

Topics that will/ can be discussed include:

  • Major insights gleaned
  • Priorities for development
  • Suggestions about development actions and next steps
  • What can the individual do for his/ her own development
  • What to do to make it stick


Wrap Up Process

Following the Individual Appreciation process, an individual capability based report prepared by the assigned practitioner will be submitted to your Senior HR Manager, in alignment with current GDPR regulations.

In general, we would like to put forward that people are unique in nature,since they are looking for meaning,What is their ‘Purpose’?